Our Services

  • After Your First Treatment, you will notice that your body will stay upright without any muscular effort. This is one of the most time and cost effective ways to improve your overall health, looks, and confidence. We all take it for granted that we may start slumping and even shrinking as a result of aging. However, recent discoveries about how the human body actually works indicate that this “AGING PROCESS” can be easily reversed with strategic realignment of the spine and extremities on a consistent basis through Advanced BioStructural Correction, commonly known as ABC.

    ABC not only quickly relieves pain; it also enhances physical appearance without expensive surgery, radical dieting or extensive exercise. ABC treatment rearranges body structure and works to help heal many different types of conditions, including: Chronic stomach and headaches, back pain, neck pain, fatigue, and even radiating pain from herniated discs (diagnosed on MRI’s) that are said to need immediate surgery. Give us a call now and we’ll set up an appointment!

  • ABC EndoNasal Cranial Correction™ may quickly help problems like these:

    Sinus problems


    Chronic sinus infection

    Lack of smell

    Lack of taste

    Crooked nose

    Deviated septum

    Can’t breathe through nose


    TMJ (Jaw pain)

    Facial crookedness

    …and many more

    Although it’s probably the strangest thing you’ve ever seen there is remarkable power in this procedure if the cranial bones are causing your problem(s). For many people this is exactly what they need when they haven’t received help from anything/anyone else. The reason is that very few people think of the cranial bones (bones of the face and head) as being able to cause a wide array of problems including many neurological problems that seem to have no identifiable cause.

    Wondering if this hurts? I haven’t had anyone say it hurts. For sure it feels very strange and I wouldn’t consider it fun, but the inflation only takes a few seconds and then it’s done. Plus the results are very much worth it afterwards.

    If you have problems with your nose or sinuses…or have symptoms that relate to the nose or sinuses don’t negate the power of Advanced BioStructural Correction™ (ABC™) by itself. The endonasal procedure is a small, but powerful part of the entire ABC™ protocol. There have been many times when a person can breathe better through their nose after doing just the First Rib Manuever™ (the collar bone punch). So there can easily be problems elsewhere in the body that cause a twist in the face that appears like endonasal would be the best thing to do. I know how to check if you even need this done which eliminates doing it unnecessarily.

    For a more complete list of conditions that could be helped visit here: https://meningealrelease.com/endonasal-cranial-correction

    Written Dr. Jesse Jutkowitz

  • We offer the finest shoe insoles, seat wedges, mattresses and nutrition. Specifically tailored to your unique needs


  • Simply the Best whole food supplementation
